Exposed - Blueprint for Marital bliss Revealed!

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No one came equipped with wisdom on how to handle marriage or how to be happy with their forever-after. Forever-after is a long time. Most stories give an idea of how to relate before marriage but few tell of what happens after marriage. Exposed is a project set to reveal the truth about what it takes to have a successful marriage.

The book Exposed is set to disillusion many about the reality of marriage and change or utterly destroy preconceived notions on the workings of marriage. This blueprint is not a law. As faces are different so is the basic and underlying feature of marriage. Your marriage should NOT follow any set template. Every marriage is unique and is meant to be perfect, not in the sense of any standard (societal or cultural), but perfect for the individuals therein. Exposed is filled with wisdom and revelation, so read slowly and have an open mindset to grasp the hidden truths enshrined therein.

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Exposed - Blueprint for Marital bliss Revealed!

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